Chin UpsGrab the bar shoulder width apart with a supinated grip (palms facing you)With your body hanging and arms fully extended, pull yourself up until your chin is past the bar.Slowly return to starting position. Repeat.
Dumbbell Row UnilateralBrace your off arm against something stable (bench, box). Stagger your stance so your leg on the side of your working arm is back.Try to get your torso to parallel with the ground. That will extend your range of motion.Let your arm hang freely and then pull your elbow back. Imagine you've got a tennis ball in your armpit and squeeze it each rep.
Pull UpGrasp the bar with an overhand grip, arms and shoulders fully extended.Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar.Lower your body back to starting position.
Cable Bent Over Bar PulloverYou can use any attachment. Cable should be set all the way to the top of the machine.Grab your attachment and walk a few steps back. Push your butt back to where you are leaning forward somewhat.Initiate the movement with your shoulders and not your elbows. Imagine trying to pull the attachment through your thighs at the bottom.