Cable Rope PushdownThe cable should be set all the way at the top of the machine.Make sure to keep your upper arm glued at your side. Extend your elbows until you feel your triceps contract.Be set all the way at the top of the machine.
Barbell Close Grip Bench PressLay flat on the bench with your feet on the ground. With a narrow grip on the bar, straighten your arms.Lower the bar to your lower-mid chest.Slowly raise the bar until you've locked your elbows.
Dumbbell SkullcrusherLay flat on the floor or a bench with your fists extended to the ceiling and a neutral grip.Break at the elbows until your fists are by your temples. Then extend your elbows and flex your triceps at the top.Break at the elbows until your fists are by your temples.
Bench DipsGrip the edge of the bench with your hands. Keep your feet together and legs straight.Lower your body straight down.Slowly press back up to the starting point.